Sunday 5 January 2020

Loud Lamentation

Matthew 2:13-18 

How can we hear your story of flight,
Jesus son of Joseph and Mary,
and not hear the stories of flight
that flood across our borders?

Holy One have mercy.
Holy One have mercy. 

How can we hear of Herod's fury,
Jesus son of Joseph and Mary,
and not hear the ringing of tyrants'
fear-filled rage through our own time, still?

Holy One have mercy.
Holy One have mercy. 

How can we hear of innocents' slaughter,
Jesus son of Joseph and Mary,
and not hear echoes of children slaughtered
in wars, abused at home, starving near and far?

Holy One have mercy.
Holy One have mercy. 

How can we hear of ancient wailing,
Jesus son of Joseph and Mary,
in Bethlehem and Ramah, and not hear
the wails of the unconsolable now?

Holy One have mercy.
Holy One have mercy. 

Help us to hear your ancient story,
Jesus son of Joseph and Mary,
and to meet the stories we hear today
with compassion, welcome, hope.

Holy One have mercy.
Holy One have mercy. 

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