Sunday 9 February 2020

There is peace

Psalm 119:1–8 


For the blameless,
the ones faithful to the Holy Way,
we know there is peace. 
For the true,
the ones who seek You with their all,
we know there is peace. 
You have shown us the Way:
it is for walking, with diligence. 

Oh, but my walking 
is unsteady;
I falter in keeping 
you're teaching.
Oh, but my gaze
is diverted from You;
I feel the shame
in dishonouring You. 

I want to praise You
with an honourable heart;
I want to learn
Your Way of Wisdom.
Do not forsake me,
I will stand, I will turn;
I return to Your Way
again and always, I will return.

Forgive me. 

Assurance of grace 

For those who return to the Holy Way:
there is forgiveness. 
For those whose heart yearns for Holy One:
there is love. 
For you, for me, for all, there is, 
from Holy One, peace: be at peace. 

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