Saturday 25 April 2020

Lament and thanksgiving for broken bread

Luke 24:13–35 and Acts 2:36–42
in a time of suspended gatherings 

we cannot ‘break bread’ with others, now,
beyond those in our homes. For many of us,
we cannot ‘break bread’ except alone.
We lament, for there is much we miss
with the seats at our tables empty;
there is much we miss, unable to receive
from others, hospitality.
we lament, feeling the sorrow,
the loss, the emptiness of ‘breaking
bread’ away from the community.


and yet, somehow the empty
tables, empty chairs remind
us of the people who have sat
here, have laughed with us,
have cried, debated, wondered,
with us; for the stories we
shared here, for the food
that nourishes us still,
and the company that will
again; we give thanks
for the phones and tablets,
the satellites and wires that bring
our loved ones to our tables,
though it is not the same,
for now, it is enough, reminds
us to hope for bodies to fill
these chairs again, for tables
to visit again, for company embodied
once more in the ‘breaking bread’
and sharing.


in our sorrow, in our making
do, in our thanks for what has been
and hope for what will be
again, we see you,
Holy Friend, we feel
you, present in our lonely
days, never leaving us
alone: you are with us,
and we will sit with you,
broken bread of life. Amen.

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