Sunday 7 June 2020

Grace for the scoffers and deniers

Genesis 18:1–15 

'I did not laugh.' 
'Oh, yes, you did laugh.' 
Gen 18:15 

When your message is hope for those oppressed,
for surely hope is futile –
we laughed;
then we denied it.
Oh, but you know we did.

When your call is to make room for the outcast,
for surely they belong outside –
we laughed;
then we denied it.
Oh, but you know we did.

When your love means staying home, staying away,
for surely, you did not mean us? – 
we laughed;
then we denied it.
Oh, but you know we did. 

When your justice demands we let them cross our border,
for surely we can not take that risk – 
we laughed;
then we denied it.
Oh, but you know we did. 

When your peace requires presence, reconciliation, restraint,
for surely we need not pay such costs – 
we laughed;
then we denied it.
Oh, but you know we did. 

When your Way is welcome, generosity, vulnerability,
for surely not? Not us, not such price, no now – 
we laughed;
then we denied it.
Oh, but you know we did. 

Forgive us our scoffing, our dismissal.
Forgive us our denial, our dishonesty. 
Heal our shame, 
God of grace,
God of surprise,
God of Love. 

Holy One sees and hears.
Holy One understands our fear. 
Holy One extends a hand to bid us stand,
leave our tents of safety and comfort,
and with courage, to embrace the Way
of grace, surprise, and Love. 

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