We pray for those who oppose us,
who hurl hate our way,
who curse our name,
who hurt, who attack, who abuse.
We pray for the inner turmoil
that lies behind such harm,
self-loathing turned on others,
insecurities turned to venom,
pain, sorrow, abuse suffered themselves.
We pray for those who cause harm,
for all in pain, not knowing how
to heal or to forgive.
May we, your people,
be agents of love that heals,
living your grace that restores.
We pray for those who act
with violence towards others,
with disrespect for property and person,
with greed, entitlement, selfish disdain.
We pray for victims of violence
who learn no other way,
for poverty's angry outcomes,
wealth's insatiable appetite for more.
We pray for those who cause harm,
for all in pain, not knowing how
to heal or to forgive.
May we, your people,
be agents of love that heals,
living your grace that restores.
We pray for those who pass judgement,
and for our own tendencies
toward self-congratulation.
We pray from and for the messiness
of life lived alongside others
different and sometimes oh, too, similar
to ourselves.
We pray for those who cause harm,
for all in pain, not knowing how
to heal or to forgive.
May we, your people,
be agents of love that heals,
living your grace that restores.
Hear our prayers, Holy One;
may we live love for each other
that will transform enemies
into friends.