Tuesday 17 August 2021

Oh, sigh with us

Prayers for the world, August 2021 

The sea bed shuddered,
rocking the islands cradling
fragile lives not yet restored.


Creator of all, through you
we, too, are breaking again
with the people of Haiti,
with all life on Haiti,
with death and grief and pain
through the land of Haiti.

Creator of all, sigh with us;
then show us how to endure together.

The tanks thunder, guns
flash and bullets rain
on towns still not standing tall.


Sustainer of all, through you
we, too, are breaking again
with the people of Afghanistan,
with all life in Afghanistan,
with death and grief and pain
through the land of Afghanistan.

Sustainer of all, sigh with us;
then show us how to resist together.

Flames engulf forests and the smoke
chokes clouds and all below,
earth groaning, but is the pain rebirth?


Breath of all, through you
we, too, are breaking still
with all creation,
with all life in creation,
with death and grief and pain
through all creation.

Breath of all, sigh with us;
then show us how to change together.

Doors shut us in again, borders
lock us out again, invisible wolf
huffing and puffing the house down.


Healer of all, through you
we, too, are breaking still
under this virus,
life with this virus,
death and grief and pain
with this virus.

Healer of all, sigh with us;
then show us back to life together.

Creator of seas and islands,
Sustainer of justice and peace,
Breath in all that lives,
Healer of all that breaks:
sigh with us and
then show us how to thrive, together.


Fellow creatives and ministers, Alex Sangster and David MacGregor continue this mood of prayer, with O God of the Sorrows w. Lord Have Mercy. 

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