Sunday, 17 July 2016

The prayer Jesus taught us - new words

Luke 11:1–13

Divine Source of Love and Life,
Holy is your unspeakable name.

May your Way of Love resound through earth,
heaven in our midst.

All we need to live and thrive
we receive from you, Creator;

forgive us when we turn away,
as we forgive each other.

Keep us on the path of Wisdom,
away from wicked tyranny;

Spirit ever breathe through us,
empower us with hope.

From you, through you and in you,
are all things, now and always;
to you be all honour and praise.


Read a reflection Sarah offered on this passage from Luke, using this prayer-poem, in Falkirk, Scotland, 24 July 2016.


  1. Wonderful. Thank you for these words!

  2. Thank you, Sandy. and, you're welcome

  3. I would love to use this. So refreshing.

    1. Thank you Glenys - hope you do use it, that's what these prayers are here for :)

  4. We have the original by heart, so it's easy to slip into saying without meaning. Thanks for a new way to say it.

  5. Chris Mitchell19 July 2016 at 11:57

    Hi Sarah, we are using your words, spoken and written, in our worship this Sunday. Thanks for another look at the lord's prayer.
    Auntie Chris

    1. wonderful, this makes me very happy, to be present with you in worship in this way x

    2. Carolyn Herold7 March 2019 at 12:53

      Sarah, I would love to use this at an upcoming ecumenical womens' event: Images of Spirituality. How should I cite this?

    3. Hi Carolyn - that's great! thank you for choosing my words, I'm honoured.
      Sarah Agnew, is the best way to cite this. hope I'm not too late with my reply.
