Monday 11 February 2019

Turned or Trusting

Jeremiah 17:5–10 

Thus says the Holy,
Blessed is the Name.

Cursed you are, then,
trusting mortal strength;
cursed you are, when
turned, your hearts from me.

Turn from the Holy,
turn from blessedness;

turn and be desert shrubs,
parched, forgotten,
salt-bed barren,
salt-crust blind.

or ... 

Trust in the Holy, your
trust is the Name:

trust and be great trees
rooted, watered, green
forever fruitful, green
forever bountiful.

Thus says the Holy,
Blessed is the Name.

Show me or hide, but
I will see you, mind
your heart, for I will
find you, turned or trusting.

Update: prayers to follow

Prayer of confession
We turn from you, God, more often than we would like.
We step off your path, your Way of Love, and hurt others and ourselves.
We have become desert shrubs,
parched, forgotten,
salt-bed barren,
salt-crust blind

And now we turn back, start again, on this path, this Sacred Way of Love.
We turn back, asking again to be forgiven.

Assurance of Forgiveness
Thus says our God of the Most Holy Name,
I see you, I greet you, I welcome you home.
Start again, beloved, forgiven, again and again. 

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