Sunday 6 September 2020

Where we stand: stories of liberation

Exodus 14:19–31 

a confession 

Oh, Holy One,
we understand the need for stories
of vanquished enemies,
of victory for 'us' and defeat for 'them'; 
the need to name the feeling 
that we have escaped, 
to feel certain those who chase
can no longer pursue – 
we need to know that we are free. 

We understand the need for stories
that shout our anger,
release our fear,
inflict our desire for vengeance,
enact our hope for justice – 

but, Holy One, we also know 
that these stories paint you 
into a box of vengeance,
wrath, violence, 
and we are content to leave
you there so we may follow
our anger through to action
and feel justified, verified,
holier than we may actually be. 

So, Holy One, we are sorry
we keep you wrapped in anger,
and we are sorry for looking 
back angry ourselves without
seeking a path to peace. 

Holy One, as we tell the stories
passed on to us through time,
help us find you in the stories,
truly, fully, Holy One of liberation, 
of promise, of presence, with the oppressed; 
and help us to see 
clearly where we stand today,
which may be on the other side
of the parted, enclosing waters. 

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