Sunday 11 April 2021

raised to life

Acts 3:12–19 

Dear God;
we have been unjust, unkind, unwilling
to believe you can transform life. 
We have looked at lives transformed
by love, by the invitation to wonder,
and we have dismissed what
makes us feel uncomfortable. 
We are sorry. 

Like the crowd who turned
from their trust in Jesus to save them,
we have not trusted in your mystery;
forgive us our cold hearts,
our reluctance to grow,
our lack of welcome for each other. 

Forgive us when we crucify Jesus 
again with our rejection of each other. 

Forgive us when we let go of your faith,
betray your trust, abandon you in our fear. 
your people. 

Assurance of Grace 
To my dear people, 
Thank you for saying sorry. 
Please remember that I raised Jesus from death to life, 
and so I raised you with him: 
get up, now, and live! 
Do not be afraid, but be at peace. 
I forgive you. Always. 

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