Sunday 27 June 2021

Where welcome is found

prayers with Mark 6:1–13 

1. Confession 
Not welcome back home
unheeded, disrespected,
rejected, at home, where 
kin and neighbour knew him 
best, they knew him least 
when he became most
fully the Son of God, 
Son of Humanity, promised. 

Forgive our disrespect, our
lack of welcome and hearing
for our kin and neighbours
returning home to be
rejected, unexpected 
in their fullest becoming: 
forgive us, Holy One. 

2. Assurance of forgiveness 
Amazed at the disbelief
of kin and neighbour turned
strangers, Jesus yet
healed a few. 

Jesus does not reject 
the few who yet seek
his touch, his grace,
his healing – so turn
and shed that disbelief,
for faithfulness and trust: 
we are forgiven, and we 
thank you, Holy One. 

3. Intercession 
Into villages and homes
of closed-mindedness,
where messages of hope 
go unheeded, offers of peace
unwelcome, Holy One, 
bring your love. 

Into villages and homes
of open minds, 
where new ideas delight,
stories evoke wonder, and peace
is nurtured, Holy One,
we see your love. 

Into villages and homes
of disrespect and rejection,
where returning kin
go disbelieved, their fulness
unwelcome, Holy One, 
bring your love. 

Into villages and homes
of courageous embrace, 
where change evokes wonder, 
fulness of being is nurtured,
and all are welcome, Holy One,
we see your love. 

In all the village and homes,
towns and cities, farms
and camps, where hope
is rare and peace so 
keenly needed, Holy One,
may we be your love. 

4. Commissioning 
Take nothing: 
no bread, no bag,
no money in your belt,
no extra tunic for the cold. 
Have sandals for your feet,
a staff for support
as you walk,
two by two,
seeking welcome. 

Take everything 
I have taught you,
food and water for
yearning souls, love
for broken spirits: 
restore, revive,
reconcile wherever you
are welcome. 

Take nothing: 
no offence, no sorrow,
no anger or resentment;
leave the dust
at doors unopened,
at the feet 
of the unwilling,
when you meet not

Take everything
I will give you: 
love that heals,
wisdom that guides
a flourishing life, 
peace that transcends
understanding. Take
and share abundantly
my welcome, God's 
welcome, home. 

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