Monday 19 July 2021

We cry shame!

2 Samuel 11:1–12:15 

We hear the stories of thieving folk,
those who take what belongs not to them,
and we cry shame! the effrontery! 
Until your word reminds us
'you are the one.' 

When we are the thieving folk,
our God, call us to turn from wrong,
put away our sin,
let us begin again. 

We hear the stories of powerful folk,
abusing their forced for their own ends,
and we cry shame! the effrontery! 
Until your word reminds us
'you are the one.' 

When we are the overbearing folk,
our God, call us to turn from wrong,
put away our sin,
let us begin again. 

We hear the stories of manipulative folk,
twisting, deceiving, others like pawns in a game,
and we cry shame! the effrontery! 
Until your word reminds us
'you are the one.' 

When we are the manipulative folk,
our God, call us to turn from wrong,
put away our sin,
let us begin again. 

We hear stories of self-righteous folk,
so sure their harm is justified,
and we cry shame! the effrontery! 
Until your word reminds us
'you are the one.' 

When we are the self-righteous folk,
our God, call us to turn from wrong,
put away our sin,
let us begin again. 

Assurance of forgiveness 
Come to God with your contrite heart,
your willingness to turn from wrong. 
God will welcome your confession,
and will, and has, put away our sin. 

Look up with thanksgiving,
God will indeed let us begin again.
Thanks be to God. Amen. 

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