Sunday 1 August 2021

Intercessions for parents and offspring

with David and Absalom, 2 Samuel 18 

Hear, O God, the parent's cry,
the heartache of an offspring's rejection. 

Hear, O God, the offspring's cry,
the heartache of a parent's rejection. 

Hear, O God, 
and weep with us. 

Hear, O God, the parent's cry,
the heartbreak at an offspring's pain. 

Hear, O God, the offspring's cry,
the heartbreak at a parent's pain. 

Hear, O God, 
and weep with us. 

Hear, O God, the parent's cry,
the heartache of distance from a child. 

Hear, O God, the offspring's cry,
the heartache of distance from a parent. 

Hear, O God, 
and weep with us. 

Hear, O God, the parent's cry,
the heartbreak of grieving the death of a child. 

Hear, O God, the offspring's cry,
the heartbreak of grieving the death of a parent. 

Hear, O God, 
and weep with us. 

Hear, O Divine Parent,
Hear, O Son of God,
Weep with us, Spirit Holy. 
Holy One, we pray
for parents and offspring,
for love and grief and healing.

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